Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary

The Movement offers classes of preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary according to the method of Saint Louis Mary Grignion de Montfort. The preparation consists of thirty three lessons over the course of nine months to prepare oneself to be Consecrated. This process of preparation is open to everyone, but it typically starts after each retreat.

What is the Consecration to Jesus Through Mary? Why is it important for us to Consecrated ourselves to Jesus Through Mary?

You are going to start the wonderful world of preparation for the Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary according to the method of Saint Louis Marie Grignon de Monfort. This Consecration has been done great saints such as Saint Maximilian Kolbe and Saint John Paul II. Do you want to know what it is? In this video our Director in the United States, Diana Hernandez, explains it to us. Consecrate yourself, it’s worth it!

How can I get Consecrated?

Current Classes

In person (West Harrison, NY): Thursdays from 7-9pm ET starting on Thursday, September 28, 2023 at St. Anthony of Padua Church Basement (85 Harrison St. West Harrison, NY 10604) in person. For more information contact (914) 705-9277 or (914) 208-7835.

If you understand Spanish well, you can go to the LAM website to join an existing class near you or to sign up for an online class in Spanish. The Consagrate app is also available in Spanish for free download for Android devices.