Consecration Prayers and Resources

Prayers and Practices

During the Consecration there are several prayers, videos and practices that are encouraged. Here is a comprehensive list of all of the resources available to you in English!

(After each statement repeat the bolded response.)

O Jesus meek and humble of Heart, Hear me.

From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, Jesus

From the desire of being loved,

From the desire of being extolled,

From the desire of being honoured,

From the desire of being praised,

From the desire of being preferred to others,

From the desire of being consulted,

From the desire of being approved,

From the fear of being humiliated,

From the fear of being despised,

From the fear of suffering rebukes,

From the fear of being calumniated,

From the fear of being forgotten,

From the fear of being ridiculed,

From the fear of being wronged,

From the fear of being suspected,

That others may be loved more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it

That others may be esteemed more than I,

That in the opinion of the world others may increase and I may decrease,

That others may be chosen and I set aside,

That others may be praised and I go unnoticed,

That others may be preferred to me in everything,

That others may become holier than I, provided that I become as holy as I should.

Let us pray: 

O Jesus who, being God, humbled Yourself to death, and even to death on a cross, in order to be an example that eternally confuses our pride and self-love. Grant us the grace to learn and follow your example, so that, humbling ourselves as is fitting for our misery here on Earth, we may be exalted to enjoy You eternally in Heaven. 


It is recommended to do, in writing, this examination of conscience at least once a year.

Initial questions:

  • How long ago was your last confession?
  • Did you hide any sin?
  • Did you repent your sins?
  • Did I completely comply with the penance? 

I. Love God Above All Things

  1. Have I denied the existence of God? (Example: Atheist, Agnostic. Catechism, 2125)
  2. Have I denied the love of God? (Have I seen Him as a judging, bad and punishing God?)
  3. Have I tempted God? (Example: If God exists, make this happen now!)
  4. Do I give testimony of my faith? (Have I been ashamed of expressing my faith?)
  5. Have I doubted God?
  6. Have I doubted the truth of the Holy Bible? (A doubt that comes by surprise and temptation is not the same as one accepted deliberately.)
  7. Have I doubted the dogmas of faith? (Dogmas are truths that must be believed. Example: all that is contained in the Creed)
  8. Have I been desperate, doubting God’s mercy? (There is no bigger sin than to doubt of the mercy God. Example: God will not forgive me)
  9. Have I presumed that I can save myself without conversion?
  10. Have I sinned with the intention to confess later?
  11. Have I been indifferent to love of God?
  12. Have I been a lukewarm Catholic? (Rev 3:16)
  13. Have I hated God?
  14. Have I dedicated enough time to prayer?
  15. Do I complain  or get upset when confronting things that require sacrifices?
  16. Have I unfulfilled any promise made to God or to His Church?
  17. Have I been superstitious? have I believed or practice: Witchcraft, spells, magic (including the “white magic”), fortune-telling, palmistry, “medium”, omens, horoscopes, cards reading, chocolate cup readings; as well as spiritual baths, aromatherapy, talisman, aloe leaf superstition, dream-catchers and other filters, curses, sorcery, Kabbalah, tarot, astrology chart, alchemy, Ouija board, Santeria (religious cult), amulets and lucky charms, Voodoo, Guru, shamanism, numerology, spiritism, necromancy, quartz, stones, mantra, medallion?
  18. Have I put faith in, and/or have practiced, and/or have been led by non-Christian groups, sects, or movements, or that merge the truth of Jesus Christ with other ideologies? For example: the power of the mind, reincarnation, false metaphysics, Silva method, occultism, spiritism, astrology, transcendental meditation, yoga, Gnosticism, I-Ching, “astrology trips”,  holistic medicine, parapsychology, sophrology, pseudo scientific practices (not recognized by the scientific medicine) reflexology, homeopathy, and acupuncture (when are accompanied by esoteric practices) hypnosis, regressions, reading of aura, aromatherapy, flower of Bach, therapy of colors, esotericism, theosophy, Rosicrucian, Buddhism, Krishna, “channeling of spirits”, and everything related to the “New Age.” As well as the sects of Mormonism or Jehovah’s Witness, who don’t believe Jesus as the Son of God.
  19. Have I been satanic? Have I participated in satanic cults?
  20. Have I put something or someone above God? (Example: Money, people, artists, etc.)
  21. Have I committed sacrilege? (treated unworthily the sacraments, people or places consecrated to God)
  22. Have I received any sacrament in mortal sin? (communion, marriage, confirmation, to receive the priesthood in mortal sin)
  23. Have I confessed without any repentance or without any intention of correction? (The one who approaches to confess and wants to commit the sin again, isn’t sorry nor has the intentions to correct themselves.            
  24. Have I read or own books, magazines, articles against the religion and Church? (It is a sin, for exception for when intending to study in defense of our faith.)
  25. Have I been lazy to educate and instruct myself on our faith?
  26. Have I been a Freemason  or communist? (Masonry and communism are incompatible with Catholicism. The Church has been clear when declaring that you cannot be a Catholic and belong to any of this)


  1. Have I commit blasphemy?  (To say insulting words against God or the Sacred)
  2. Have I Inconveniently used the name of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, or a saint? (Jokes, bad taste comments, nicknames, vulgar diminutives, etc.)
  3. Have I radicalized the mysteries of God? (Jokes about the Crucifixion, the Incarnation, miracles)
  4. Have I used the name of God and Saint in profane things? (Clubs, movies, bars, etc.)
  5. Have I been unfaithful to those promises made ​​to others in the name of God? (to be unfaithful to them is as turning God into a liar. (Catechism 2147)
  6. Have I sworn falsely? (An oath can only be performed with truth, justice and if needed)
  7. Have a made promises without any intention of fulfilling them?
  8. Have I sworn to do any harm?


  1. Have I deliberately missed the Eucharistic celebration (the Mass) on any Sunday or holy day of obligation?
  2. Have I arrived late and or did not attend the whole Mass without justifiable motive? (Catechism, 2042)
  3. Have I willingly distracted  myself during Mass? (Being bodily present, but with the mind and heart elsewhere)
  4. Have I worked or have made someone work without any urgent need in a precept day?
  5. Have I observed the abstinence of Fridays during lent? (Abstinence from eating meat or some other food according to the prescripts of the conference of bishops is to be observed on every Friday of Lent. Abstinence binds those who have completed their fourteenth year of age until death. Unless it coincide with a solemnity. Code of Canon Law 1251)
  6. Have I fasted on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday? (The law of fasting, however, binds all those who have attained their majority until the beginning of their sixtieth year. –Code of Canon Law 1251- These Catholics must reduce the usual amount of food. The Church defines this as a meal and two snacks, that added together would not be bigger than a main meal)
  7. Have I kept the Eucharistic abstinence? (A person who is to receive the Most Holy Eucharist is to abstain for at least one hour before holy communion from any food and drink, except for only water and medicine, Code of Canon Law 919)
  8. Have I taken long to confess myself after committing any mortal sin?  (The Church asks to confess our mortal sins at least once a year, in danger of death, or if having Communion. Catechism 2042)
  9. Have I failed to receive the Holy Communion at least in Easter Sunday?
  10. Have I failed to help the Church with its needs?
  11. Have I misused my time during precept day? (in indecent activities or activities that do not involve family gathering and the growing of faith?



  1. Have I disrespected my parents?
  2. Have I had sincere attitude of gratitude with them?
  3. Have I disobeyed my parents and my superiors?
  4. Have I had a spirit of rebellion against them? (Do I have an inordinate desire for independence that leads me to receive indications from my parents wrongly, simply because they order me)
  5. Have I threatened or mistreated them? (with words or actions)
  6. Have I desired any evil to them?
  7. Have I been ashamed of them? ( for example: because of their age, social status, physical appearance, etc.)
  8. Have stopped helping them in their needs? (spiritual or material)  
  9. Have I judged  their defects?
  10. Have I had any hate or resentment against my parents?
  11. Have I been irresponsible in my studies? (failing to value the effort that parents do for our education)
  12. Have I prayed and offered Masses for eternal rest  of my disease parents?  
  13. Have I been disrespectful to the authority to which I am subject? (teachers, bosses, superiors, state, civil servants)
  14. Have I fought with my siblings and friends?
  15. Have I been resentful or hate my siblings? (Example: stop talking to them or not finding the necessary means for reconciliation. )
  16. Have I given a bad example to my siblings and/or friends?
  17. Have I stop helping my siblings and family in their needs? (spiritual and material needs)
  18. Have abandoned my parents, without  a justified reason?
  19. Have I let myself be carried away by bad temper?


  1. The fecundity of the conjugal love is not only reduced to the procreation , therefore: Have I put effort in the moral and spiritual education of my children?
  2. Have I given bad examples to my children? (not complying with my religious, family, or professional duties)
  3. Have I failed to correct my children for their own good? (instead of just looking to satisfy my anger or a moment of bad temper)
  4. Have I failed to evangelize my children properly?
  5. Have I not prevented my children about bad companies?
  6. Have I forced my children to receive any sacrament without the needed preparation?
  7. Have I kept my children from following the profession or vocation that God has indicated for them?
  8. Do I allow them to study or work in places where their soul or body is in danger? (Example: Not to choose an educational establishment where they receive Christian education)
  9. Have I tolerated scandals, or moral or physical dangers between the people that live in my house? (Example: to allow unmarried couples that live together to stay under my roof. To allow my children to sleep with their girlfriend/boyfriend  in my house)
  10. Have I cursed my children?
  11. Have I permitted that my children dress improperly?
  12. Have I allow them to go to improper entertainment? (Reggae concerts or immoral spectacles)
  13. Have I fought with my spouse? (Has there been abuse in words and/or actions)
  14. Have I abandoned partial or completely my spouse, and/or my children? (It is understood that this refers to irresponsible abandonment and without motive)
  15. Have I failed to work sufficiently to maintain my family in a dignified manner?
  16. Have I ordered things contrary to the dignity of people? (Children, employees or any person under my responsibility)


  1. Have I killed?
  2. Have I try to kill anybody?
  3. Have I rejected assisting someone in a state of serious danger?
  4. Have I hurt someone?
  5. Have I driven in state of drunkenness or irresponsibly any vehicle? (putting in danger my life as well as the passengers’ lives)
  6. Have I indirectly participate in the murder of someone?
  7. Have I not prevent someone’s death even if could of?
  8. Have I participated directly or indirectly in any abortion? (A person who procures a completed abortion incurs excommunication A person who procures a completed abortion incurs excommunication latae sententiae; Catechism 2272. In this way the Church manifests the gravity of this crime)
  9. Have I practiced euthanasia? (to end the lives of people who are handicapped, sickly or dying, by action or omission)
  10. Have I try to commit suicide?
  11. Have I cooperated with somebody else’s suicide?
  12. Have I participated in abductions, acts of terrorism or tortures?
  13. Have I participated in amputations, mutilations or sterilizations performed on people without proper informed consent?
  14. Have I induced anyone to sin? (This is scandal. Mt18,6)
  15. Have I given cult to my body? (Example: anorexia, bulimia, esthetical surgery for vanity, excessive exercise)
  16. Have I abused food?
  17. Have I abused the consumption alcohol, cigarettes, or medicine?
  18. Have I used  drugs or hallucinogenic substances? Have I trafficked with them?
  19. Have I used subliminal messages to dominate a person’s will?
  20. Have I listen to music, knowing that contains subliminal messages or contrary to faith and moral? (putting my mental and spiritual health in danger as they incite to violence, rebellious etc., for example reggae ton, punk, metal, etc.?
  21. Have I stopped helping the dying to have a saintly death? ( keeping them company in prayer and making sure they receive the sacraments on time)
  22. Do I feel a hatred or resentment for someone?
  23. Have I desired evil to someone? (Mt 5:44-45)
  24. Have I consented in the desires of vengeance? (Mt 5:22)
  25. Have I avoided to the best of my abilities all conflict?
  26. Have I produce suffering or have I sacrificed any animal without need?


  1. Have I committed masturbation?
  2. Have I seen pornography?
  3. Have I participated in pornography or in impure spectacles? (actors, retailers)
  4. Have I fornicated? (Carnal act between a man and a woman that are not married)
  5. Have I fallen in prostitution?
  6. Have I make a business out of prostitution?
  7. Have I sexually abused anyone? (All violent sexual assault to the intimacy of the person; the sexual act itself, fumble, harassment; even to the spouse)
  8. Have I committed incest? (Incest designates intimate relations between relatives or in-laws within a degree that prohibits marriage between them. Connected to incest is any sexual abuse perpetrated by adults on children or adolescents entrusted to their care.  (1Co 5:4-5; Lv 18:7-20; Catechism 2288, 2289). For example: Like teachers to pupils)
  9. Have I been pederast? (carnal violent access from adults to children
  10. Have I had carnal homosexual relationships?  (Rm 1:24-27; 1Co 6:10; 1Tm 1-10; Gn19:1-29)
  11. If I have homosexual tendencies; have I fought to no consent in them? (The Church does not reject those who have this tendencies, but the homosexual practices, and invites to live in chastity)

Husband and wife

  1. Have I been unfaithful? (Mt 5:32; 19, 6; Mk 10:11; 1Co 6:9-10; Ho 2:7).
  2. Have I broken up with my spouse?
  3. Have I broken the contract of marriage with divorce? (Mk 10:9; Catechism, 2382-2386)
  4. Have I lived in polygamy?
  5. Have I been irresponsible with the duties acquired with this/these woman(women) and the children? (Catechism, 1645)
  6. Have I cohabitated (lived together in a relationship) without the blessing of the Church?
  7. Have I avoided fertility within my matrimony?
  8. Have I used or sold contraceptive methods? (Example. Condoms, spermicides, contraceptive pills, injections, etc.)
  9. Have I used or promoted the use of abortive contraceptives or any that could have this effect? (Example. The copper T, intrauterine devices, the morning after pill, etc.)
  10. Have I used “onanism” or interrupted coitus? (Gn 38:9-10)
  11. Have I used artificial fertilization? (Example. In vitro fertilization, etc.)
  12. Have I sterilized myself? (Tubal ligation, vasectomy)


  1. Have I stolen?
  2. Have I defrauded someone in a business? (Example. Increasing the price of products unfairly)
  3. Have I paid unjust salaries?
  4. Have I been corrupt? (Changing the correct procedures for the “most convenient”)
  5. Have I been mediocre in my work?
  6. Have I stolen time from my work?
  7. Have I failed to pay my taxes? (avoiding taxes that are just and reasonable for the good of the community) (Catechism 2409-2413)
  8. Have I falsified documents?
  9. Have I wasted my goods? (By excessively spending on needless things seeking mismeasured pleasure or prestige, or inverting large amounts of money, that could help relieve human misery, on pets)’
  10. Have I caused damage to public or private property?
  11. Have I failed to fulfil morally correct promises or contracts?
  12. Have I made irresponsible bets?
  13. Have I cheated in games of chance?
  14. Have placed personal gain as the only end to my economical activity? (Forgetting that is a service to the community: “You cannot serve both, God and Money”) (Mt 6:24; Lk 16:13)
  15. Have I failed in practicing the works of mercy?


  1. Have I lied? (Ep 4:25)
  2. Have I given false testimony publicly? (Pr 19:9)
  3. Have I said under oath something against the truth (perjury)?
  4. Have I judged another’s moral defect?
  5. Have I manifested the defects and faults of my neighbour to others (malice)? (Si 21:28)
  6. Have I defamed the good name of another person with lies?
  7. Have I congratulated someone for wrongdoing?
  8. Have I failed by revealing “professional secrets”? (For Example: psychologist, priest, doctor)
  9. Have I revealed secrets made under confidence? (Si 22:22)
  10. Have I listened to the conversations of others against their will?
  11. Have I read correspondence or writings of others, against the will of its owners?


  1. Have I fought against the concupiscence of the flesh? (Ga 5:16-17, 24; Ep 2:3)
  2. Have I consented to impure thoughts?
  3. Have I consented to impure looks? (Ws 15:5)
  4. Have I desire my neighbour’s wife? (It also applies to women desiring men)
  5. Have I failed to be pure in my feelings?  (Taking care for and respecting my heart and that of other people)
  6. Have I used garments that sexually incite other people?
  7. Have I harmed the purity of children or teenagers?


  1. Have I unhealthily desired the belongings of others?
  2. Have I surrender to avarice? (The immoderate passion for material wealth) (Si 14:9)
  3. Have I felt envy? (Sadness becuase of the good of others, and a disordered desire of  attaining the same possessions)
  4. Have I been exaggeratedly attached to earthly possessions and spend my whole time in accumulating richness?
Impacting testimony of Gloria Polo that helps us to understand the Last Things.
Pope Leo XIII’s Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

Four Temperaments Test

In a deep spirit of prayer and recollection, and after invoking the presence of the Holy Spirit, this prayer will be done with all the heart and with tranquility.

Forgiveness Prayer by Father Robert DeGrandis

Lord Jesus Christ, I ask today to forgive EVERYONE in my life. I know that You will give me the strength to forgive and I thank You that You love me more than I love myself and want my happiness more than I desire it for myself. 

Father, I forgive MYSELF for blaming you for the times that death has come into the family, hard times, financial difficulties, or what I thought were punishments sent by You and people said, “It’s God’s will,” and I become bitter and resentful toward You. Purify my heart and mind today.

Lord, I forgive MYSELF for my sins, faults and failings, for all that is bad in myself or that I think is bad, I forgive myself; and I accept Your forgiveness. 

I further forgive MYSELF for taking Your name in vain, not worshipping You by attending Church, for hurting my parents, getting drunk, for sins against purity, bad books, bad movies, fornication, adultery, homosexuality. Also, for abortion, stealing, lying, defrauding, hurting people’s’ reputation. You have forgiven me today, and I forgive myself. Thank You, Lord, for your grace at this moment. 

I also forgive MYSELF for any involvement in superstition, using ouija boards, horoscopes, going to séances, using fortune telling or wearing lucky charms. I reject all that superstition and choose You alone as my Lord and Savior. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. 

Lord, I truly forgive my MOTHER. I forgive her for all the times she hurt me, she resented me, she was angry with me and for all the times she punished me. I forgive her for the times she preferred my brothers and sisters to me. I forgive her for the times she told me I was dumb, ugly, stupid, the worst of the children or that I cost the family a lot of money. For the times she told me I was unwanted, an accident, a mistake or not what she expected, I forgive her. 

Lord, I truly forgive my FATHER. I forgive him for any non-support, any lack of love, affection or attention. I forgive him for any lack of time, for not giving me his companionship, for his drinking, arguing and fighting with my mother or the other children. For his severe punishments, for abandonment, for being away from home, for divorcing my mother or for any running around, I do forgive him. 

Lord, I extend forgiveness to my SISTERS AND BROTHERS. I forgive those who rejected me, lied about me, hated me, resented me, competed for my parents’ love, those who hurt me, who physically harmed me. For those who were too severe on me, punished me or made my life unpleasant in any way, I do forgive them. 

Lord, I forgive my SPOUSE for lack of love, affection, consideration, support, attention, communication; for faults, failings, weaknesses and those other acts or words that hurt or disturb me. 

Jesus, I forgive my CHILDREN for their lack of respect, obedience, love, attention, support, warmth, understanding; for their bad habits, falling away from the Church, any bad actions which disturb me. 

Lord God, I forgive my IN-LAWS, MY MOTHER-IN-LAW, FATHER-IN-LAW, SON/DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AND OTHER RELATIVES by marriage, who treat my family with a lack of love. For all their words, thoughts, actions or omissions which injure and cause pain, I forgive them. 

Please help to forgive my RELATIVES, my grandmother and grandfather, aunts, uncles, cousins, who may have interfered in our family, been possessive of my parents, who may have caused confusion or turned one parent against the other.

Jesus, help me to forgive my CO-WORKERS who are disagreeable or make life miserable for me. For those who push their work off on me, gossip about me, won’t cooperate with me, try to take my job, I do forgive them. 

I forgive my NEIGHBORS, Lord for all their noise, trespassing my property, and for anything they have done against me or my home. 

I do forgive my CLERGYMEN, my CONGREGATION and my CHURCH for their lack of support, affirmation, bad sermons, pettiness, lack of friendliness, not providing me or my family with the inspiration we needed, for any wounds they have inflicted on me or my family, even in the distant past, I forgive them today. 

Lord, I forgive all those who are of different POINTS OF VIEW, those of opposite political views who have attacked me, ridiculed me, discriminated against me, made fun of me, economically hurt me. 

I forgive those of different religious DENOMINATIONS AND BELIEFS who have harassed me, attacked me, argued with me, and forced their view on me or my family. 

I forgive those who have discriminated against me.

Lord, I forgive all PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE who have hurt me in any way: doctors, nurses, lawyers, judges, politicians and civil servants. 

I forgive all service people: policemen, firemen, bus drivers, hospital workers and especially repairmen who have taken advantage of me in their work. 

Lord, I forgive my EMPLOYER for not paying me enough money, for not appreciating my work, for being unkind and unreasonable with me, for being angry or unfriendly, for not promoting me, and for not complimenting me on my work. 

Lord, I forgive my SCHOOL TEACHERS AND INSTRUCTORS of the past as well as the present or those who punished me, humiliated me, insulted me, treated me unjustly, made fun of me, called me dumb or stupid, made me stay after class, I truly forgive them today. 

Lord, I forgive my FRIENDS who have let me down, lost contact with me, do not support me, were not available when I needed help, borrowed money and did not return it, gossiped about me. 

Lord Jesus, I especially pray for the grace of forgiveness for the ONE PERSON in my life who has HURT ME THE MOST. 

I ask to forgive anyone who I consider my greatest enemy, the one who is the hardest to forgive or the one who I said I will never forgive. 

Lord, I beg pardon of all these people for the hurt I have inflicted on them, especially my mother and father, and my spouse. I am especially sorry for these three greatest wounds I have inflicted on each of these. Thank You, Jesus, that I am being freed of the evil of unforgiveness. Let Your Holy Spirit fill me with light and let every dark area of my mind be enlightened.


Prayer of Thanksgiving

My Lord and my God! I firmly believe that you are here; I adore and love you above all things. Thank you for the benefits of creation, redemption, conservation, reception of the Holy Sacraments, for the special graces of this day and singularly for having given me a Mother as good and loving as the Blessed Virgin. Amen.

Request for Illumination

Give me now light to know the faults of this day and grace to detest them with all my heart. Help me, Virgin Mary, to know well the ingratitude and infidelities that I have committed today.

Marian Examination

  1. When I woke up this morning, was my first thought about Mary?
  2. Did I get up quickly in order to give Our Lady the gift of this sacrifice (heroic minute)?
  3. Have I attended Mass and received Communion in union with Mary?
  4. While carrying out my daily duties, how many times did I think about how Mary would do them, in order to imitate Her?
  5. Have I often denied myself my own will and my own desires in order to please Mary?
  6. Have I dared to deny my Mother something that She asked of me, even if it was not easy?
  7. Have I carried out a mortification or act of penance today, with fervor, in order to give it to Our Lady as a gift?
  8. Have I renewed the presence of God and of Mary?
  9. Have I carried out my daily visit to the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary?
  10. Have I devotedly prayed the Holy Rosary?
  11. Did I do the meditation (of the Rosary) well, in the company of Our Lady?
  12. Have I done my spiritual reading well, and dedicated it to Mary before I started?
  13. Have I thoroughly carried out my particular examination of conscience?
  14. Have I been faithful to the way I distributed my time, thinking that I was pleasing my Mother by doing so?
  15. Have I exercised blind obedience to my superiors, especially my confessor, listening to their voice as if it were Our Lady’s?
  16. What have I done today to grow in my Marian life and to improve the way in which I live this holy slavery?
  17. Have I remembered the souls of the unfaithful and done something for them, thinking that they too are my Mother’s children?
  18. How have I fulfilled the resolutions of the holy exercises today?
  19. Have I fulfilled the obligations of my daily life well, in imitation of Our Lady?
  20. Have I sinned against the virtue of purity, which is so loved by my Mother, through my thoughts, words or deeds?
  21. Have my conversations been modest and full of charity, as Mary’s were?
  22. When I go to bed, do I kiss the crucifix and sleep in Mary’s arms?


I have finished the Marian examination of conscience…. I humble myself profoundly in front of the glorious Queen, in face of so many faults that I am guilty of. “Forgive me, oh Blessed Mother, of having been so unfaithful… I do not want to lose motivation; I want to work with energy and perseverance to be a more docile son/daughter, a more faithful slave. I promise you my love.” Amen.

Prayer of Contrition

Lord, I am sorry for the weight of these sins and faults for both Heaven and for the degrees of glory that I have lost, not just for hell or purgatory and any punishments that I have deserved with them, but above all for how Good you are, for how much you love me, and for how much I want to love you and also for all that has displeased my dear Immaculate Mother.


So, my God, I intend never to do them again. Give me, Lord, your grace and You, my Mother, your help and blessing so that tomorrow I behave better and manage to reduce my faults.

Hail Mary
